I know I am getting old and lame and domesticated when my favourite place to shop is Home Depot. 5 years ago I could never have gotten so excited about purchasing new crown moulding. 5 years ago, I never would have cheated on Walmart. And I still love Walmart. But sometimes a girl just needs to grow up and find a more suitable store to shop in. One that is more serious and dependable. Don't get me wrong. Walmart & I will probably have the odd fling once in a while. I mean, I'm not ready to settle down with Home Depot and commit just yet. But we're having a nice time getting to know one another.
On that note.....who would've thought a ceiling fixture could incite an argument between the boy & I? I feel in love with this light fixture over a year ago when we were shoppin gfor a new light for our dining room. Of course thi sparticular light wouldn't be right for a dining room....but now that I'm re-doing our bedroom I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Not since I first laid eyes on it. It's shimmery and sparkly and modenr but with a retro throwback kind of feel. Right up my alley.
Anyways, ever since I pointed it out to the boy, he's hated it just as much as I loved it. But last night...last night, I won. I got my light fixture. Not after a heated discussion about how much he despised it. He thought it was flat out ugly. He said the following:
-"I can't understand how you even like that light."
-"That is the ugliest light I've ever seen."
-"I hate it."
-"I've always trusted your decoarting instincts. I've never told you no. Doesn't it mean anything now that I'm tellin gyou how much I don't want this to be our bedroom light?"
-"Ok, just check every aisle one more time...maybe we can find somehting else you like."
-"What abou tthis one? Don't you like this one? I like this one. It's a compromise."
-"I don't get you."
I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. But I love my new light. I actually kissed the box when I brought it into the house last night.

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