I worked my final shift last night. And I got to thinking why the notion of leaving was making me so sad. I've worked there for 7 years (with a couple of short departures during the 2 occasions when I moved home to Ottawa). Seven years is not that long really. But it's 1/4 of my life! I can't even get my head around that idea. Sometimes it feels like I am still new to this town. Yet, without even realizing it I've spent a quarter of my life here. And with some of these girls...

I look so mcuh younger there. And thin. Damn it.
And with these customers......

And these customers......

Oddly, I very clearly remember the precise afternoon that shot was taken. It was about 5 years ago. And oddly it was taken in the very early afternoon.

New Years Eve.....eek.
I will miss it. And I wish it didn't have to change.
I had some good times there too... which is funny cause I've only been to OS like twice.
I don't know if I'm dreaming but I remember your brother (my husband) taking a titty shot off of wendy's chest..... WHAT?!! Tyler's face in the vicinity of some other lady's lady's?
I must have been dreaming.
The picture of Moobs is my fave
oh jamie this makes me cry. i cry before work i cry at work and i'm starting to have anxiety attacks even after i leave work. the kitchen fairy
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