So we had a house showing scheduled at 11:30 this morning. Ok, so far we've been lucky, all but on eother showing has been scheduled in the evenings when we're already home so I didn't want to complain. I did most of the tidying up this morning so that when I got home today, all I had to do was get the dogs rounded up. Well, I spent the first 10 minutes of being home lighting scented candles, turning on lamps and hiding the dirty dishes in the oven.
It's now 11:22 and I'm panicking. They could be here any minute and I don't have the dogs ready yet. I let Lola out of her crate....and I'll let you guess what was all over her little paws....which she then tracked across my clean floors in her excitement.
This is when I started to cry. Nothing hardcore, just tearing up a little. So, while gagging and trying to breathe through my mouth, I followed her trail around the house, all purpose cleaner in one hand, paper towels in the other.
Then I could only find two leashes. This is a problem because I have four dogs. So I had to resort to using the 20-foot long leashes that had been triple knotted to the deck of our home. This took about 10 minutes. While the dogs barked. While I panicked. And cried some more.
Finally, we set out on our way. A lovely 45-minute, sweat & profanity filled walk through the bush with 4 dogs getting excess leash tangled in trees, all while wearing my work clothes.
After what I thought was more than enough time we headed home. Only to realize the realtor had never even shown up. And to top it off, I realized I had to walk my lazy ass all the way back to work.
Wait, it gets better.
A few blocks from home a black cat crossed the sidewalk a few feet in front of me. It ran out into the road and almost got hit by a truck.
I assured myself the cat probably wasn't all black, therefore cancelling out the superstition about it being bad luck.
"Here kitty, kitty."
The cat came running right over and rubbed up against my leg. As I bent down to pet it, this cat has only one friggin eye.
I'm not even making this up.
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