Then, on weeks like this, where we find ourselves in the middle of a heat wave, where I see hundreds, sometimes thousands, of carloads of tourists coming through town, at the tail end of their hours-long journey, just to spend a few hours or days at our beach - I realize how lucky we are. Sauble Beach, a vacation destination for many people, is our backyard.

It's where I've gone every day after work this week. I love that you can walk around the stores wearing a wet bathing suit and barefeet and no one even blinks. I love that every Wednesday this summer, they will be showing a free family movie, outdoors, on a big screen, with the beach as the backdrop. Just bring your own blanket.

Or "my" own private beach spot, a little further down the highway. We share "our" spot with dozens of kite surfers....but hardly any other beach goers.
We can bring the dogs for a swim. We can park 6 inches away from the water and plunk our lawnchairs down in it. We can listen to music. Have a drink. Enjoy complete privacy. And miles and miles of sandbars.
I also know how lucky I am to have grown up by the water. Always. Entire summer's spent at my grandparents cottage were some of the best times of my childhood. And still, one of the highlights of my summer, for the past 10 years, has been my yearly summer college reunion in this same location.

So lately, on days when I'm homesick for Ottawa, all I have to do is hop onto Facebook and read my friends comments wishing for a beach to lay on, or a lake to swim in. And then I'm reminded I should shut my ungrateful trap for a minute and quit my whining. Because despite my 31 degree, non-air-conditioned home this week, I am one lucky girl.
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