....on Saturday. Here are three things two occured that made me feel like I was in a dream.
1. The boy & I went to the bar on Saturday afternoon for a surprise 50th birthday party. When I wakled into the bar there was a table of 4 guys in one corner. One of the guys said hello.
Me: Hello (as I keep walking)
Him: You don't remember me?
Me: Are you talking to me? (thinking maybe he was talking to the boy)
Him: Yeah.....you really don't remember me?
Me: (As I walk closer to see who he is) Um....no.
Him: (Looking at all his friends for backup) I can't BELIEVE you don't remember me...you don't remember....you know.....
Me: I don't think I'm the person you're thinking of.
At this point I started worrying that maybe the boy was going to think the worst and punch this guy in the face. Instead he just walked away. Phew.
Him: Guys, you remember this girl right? That's her right? (He says to his friends)
Me: I'm definitely not "her".
Anyways, I still never figured out who this guy was or who he thought I was. But it was super awkward. Then, to make my day even more strange....I had to work at the bar that night. This other guy comes in (I knew this guys though).
Him: Thanks for the flowers.
Me: Huh?
Him: The flowers....that was nice of you.
Me: What flowers?
Him: Oh, maybe I'm not supposed to say anything.
Anywho.....more bizarre than that; I actually cut someone off that night for being gassy. It was gross.