I ran into a little old lady as I came out of the coffee shop this morning and she asked me where she could find a certain address. As we walked across the street together I told her to be careful, it was very slippery. I kept my arm poised helpfully near hers in case she needed help. Then the gods decided it was time for a little fun & games, as no sooner were the words out of my mouth then I slipped, almost going down in the middle of the slushy street while holding 2 piping hot coffees. Instead I did what any respectful woman would do. I grabbed a hold of that old woman's arm and was fully prepared to take her down with me.
I'm not a horrible person. Call it strong survival instinct.
Anyways, moving on......
I used to own these boots - they were like knock off Uggs that I just got to get me from point A to point B in the snow. Unfortunately they were so cheap (I'm talking like $10 on the clearance table) that the manufacturers didn't bother to put ANY tread on the soles of these boots. I mean NONE. The soles were slick as seals. Not only did these boots provide no traction is there was ANY accumulation of snow on the ground, they actually CAUSED me to fall each and everytime I stepped outside. Again and again. My sister-in-law made fun of me until I made her try them on. From then on, she named them my "Danger Boots".

I JUST upgraded this year - I heart the Fugs (fake-ugs) - but I was slipping on dry road ... maybe that's just me, but either way i finally bought REAL boots - 2 days ago
I totally forgot about them. That was so hilarious. I miss hanging out.
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