Ok, that was about as much enthusiasm I could muster up for that. I do nothing for Valentine's Day. I'm not good at coming up with cute, romantic or meaningful gifts at the best of times, let alone when under pressure to do so on a specific day of the year.
I've said to the boy "Ok, so we're not exchanging gifts this Valentine's, right?" And he's promised me we won't. But we also made the same agreement at Christmas, opting instead to buy for his girls and to treat ourselves to a weekend away in Ottawa. But did he stick with the plan? No. Did I? Yes. So I looked like a big old jerk for not getting him anything, especially when he carted out my gift and presented it to me in front of everyone. Ugh, he's so mean. (Just kidding, it was a lovely gift. And very thoughtful.)
Anyways, this Sunday, I might be off the hook. Valentine's Day falls on the same day as the Daytona 500. And I have to host a radio station Daytona 500 party. Nascar? Be still my beating heart. I do not enjoy Nascar. Or car racing in any form come to think of it. And it's takin gplace at the Knights of Columbus Hall. A great facility. But possibly the least romantic place on earth.
The good thing about spending Valentine's Day hosting 150 racing fans as we watch vehicles turn right (left?) for 4 hours? It'll get me off the hook for having to plan anything special for V-day. I'm trying to look on the bright side here.
Despite all this....happy Valentine's Day everyone, however, and with whomever you choose to spend it!

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