Thursday after work a pub-girlfriend came over for a little visit.
Friday, was more pub-girl time and I headed home having consued too many banana coolers & amaretto & cokes.
Saturday was a busy one, with a station-sponsored egg hunt. 500 kids. Sugar-highs. Hysterical parents. Wow.

After going through dozens pf photos taken at the event, I realized this one is one of my favourites. The little girl to the right of the frame is not wanting to miss any of the magic show even though she is clearly about to pee her pants.
Yesterday, we cooked a turkey and all the fixings. Stuffing, gravy, everything. I meant to take a picture of all my hard work but I forgot. I did rememebr to take a photo of this cuteness:
So cute in fact, that I didn't even mind they were drooling all over my cowhide rug.
This morning I walked to work. Yes, I walked. It only took me 33 minutes but it felt much longer. Why is it when you walk, time seems to stand still? Sweet Pete, I immediately regretted that decision. I felt all sweaty and dishevelled when I finally got to my desk. Attractive, I know. I don't understand these people who are all jacked about walking. I feel fairly comfortable stating that I hate it.
I did come across this bit of excitement during my morning trek though:
My first instinct was to get on the cell and call in a hot tip to the newsroom. Maybe I could even do a live report from the scene! All this seemed very exciting and made me feel important....that is, until I realized I didn't have the cell phone. So I dug out my camera instead and took this photo, completely useless seeing as how I don't work for a news channel or a newspaper but a radio station.
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